Tsukiya Tamagawa


Name: Tsukiya Tamagawa

Gender: Male
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker
Age: ~18
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Currently unemployed & confused
Current Residence: A dilapidated shed in Kugane

Height: 5'3”
Hair Color: Snowy white
Eye Color: Ruby red
Skin Tone: Fair, porcelain pale
Body Type: Slim and unassuming
Accent: Hingan
Posture: He has perfected the ability to stand straight, but with a relaxed air rather than puffing his chest out or looking like he's standing at attention. When he does afford himself to relax, there is almost no difference in his posture, except he might allow his tail to move a bit more freely.
Distinguishing Marks: Tsukiya lacks any visible blemishes or tattoos upon his body at a glance, however his red eyes in contrast to his incredibly pale appearance usually distinguishes him in a crowd. His ears are also quite over sized compared to most Miqo'te and are prone to shedding ear fluff.
Common Accessories: He is always seen with an aquamarine hair pin with twin dangling beaded red threads. When it isn't in his hair, it's upon his person somewhere to keep it safe. It's also not uncommon to see him sporting a woven crimson thread around his tail with beads upon the twin tasseled ends.

Personality & Tidbits

Even upon a first meeting, most easily pick up on Tsukiya's polite, gentle and diplomatic demeanor. Although while he's rather soft spoken, the young man doesn't lack confidence in a topic he feels grounded in nor does he shy away from conversation. The practiced, silken smile upon his face is often worn in most meetings to detract from the perceptive glint in his keen red eyes.

Tsukiya's mannerisms and practiced grace often hint at his upbringing and trained etiquette. Although while he isn't shy about socializing, the Miqo'te can get easily flustered when traipsing into certain topics or company.

Talents: Organization (especially numbers), magic (ice/minor healing,) affinity to plants (connected to his healing magic,) music (shakuhachi)
Weaknesses: Physically weak, zero fighting prowess, lacking in “street smarts,” prone to sunburn & sensitive eyes.
Religion: It's complicated
Alignment: Outwardly Neutral Good, but likely leans towards True Neutral most times. Flexible.

History & Info Snippets

Place of Birth: Unknown
Hometown: Kugane
Siblings: None by adoption, unknown by blood
Parents: Hirata & Ono Tamagawa

Tsukiya was adopted into the Tamagawa family as a young boy, much to the displeasure of extended relatives. The rather wealthy Tamagawa family were (and still are) well known for their spice and tea trade, with Tsukiya's parents being the head of such endeavors. There were many rumors about why such a strange young man had been adopted, although the most prevalent was due to his striking pale looks for which he earned his namesake. The young man tried to ignore most of these, simply accepting his adoption as a gift not to be squandered and endured any whispered ridicules.

His upbringing was a balance of many lessons, some of them unpleasant, although he excelled in his studies and often took refuge in them. It was quickly apparent about his own physical limitations, which only drove Tsukiya to try harder to prove his worth in what he could excel at. Some of his interests were limited, such as attempting to tend to the garden, due to fear for his health or more importantly the fact that such a hobby would be beneath someone of his station.

His road was not meant to be a smooth one however and his destiny was completely derailed as he reached into adulthood. He keeps such details close to his heart and many questions still plague his mind, but ultimately Tsukiya ended up removed from his position in the Tamagawa family. Woefully unprepared for reality of the streets, he currently struggles quite a bit in Kugane.

RP Hooks

There is a lot of flexibility that can be taken to create an RP hook for any character to bump into Tsukiya! His backstory also has plenty of gaps for past connections if an idea strikes or that might be more suitable. Otherwise here are a few hook ideas for potential shenanigans!

+ Kugane Spice
Tsukiya was sheltered in his family's home for most of the time, but growing up he occasionally was allowed to go out shopping or visit other places. Perhaps your character also grew up in Kugane and the pair bumped into each other?
... ... Otherwise Tsukiya currently roams Kugane quite often, especially very early in the morning or evenings. He is prone to lending a helping hand if he sees it is needed, even if he now lacks the wealth or means to do much more than lend a shoulder or a dash of healing.

+ Tamagawa Target
Tsukiya is very bad at navigating the streets. He is also very bad at standing up for himself. Perhaps your character picked an easy target and mugged him? Or attempts to mug, blackmail, etc?

+ Price of a Smile
He is coming to terms with the idea that he needs a job, but is having a remarkably difficult time acquiring one due to his lack of connections. Perhaps your character is in need of an assistant and happens to hear a rumor about Tsukiya's mind for numbers? Or a chance meeting enlightens them to his affinity for tending to plants or even his dabbling into ice or healing magicks! Although at this point, honestly, Tsukiya is realizing that even running a simple errand for coin might be beneficial before he has to start eating nothing but single gil noodles...

+ Friends, Acquaintances, Villains...
All of it is accepted honestly! Tsukiya could always use more friends, connections and having villainous interaction is always a joy too! (And respected!) Romance is also possible too, although that would have to occur naturally and with time.


Discord: Lain#0004
In-game: Tsukiya Tamagawa